Technology & Interface FAQ

Technology and Interface FAQ CNY AIM

Yes, there is an expectation that all groups will invest in and support the infrastructure for care coordination and follow a path towards eventual EMR implementation. Effective January 2025, all EMR's will be required, and have the ability to submit a QRDA1 file.

No. The cost to set up IT interfaces to participate in clinical integration and the quality measures will be absorbed by the CIN or ACO. 

As a participant of CNY AIM, there is no cost to the practice for data analytics.  These costs are carried by Trinity Health, the Hospital, or the CIN/ACO.

Most practices submit clinical information through the IT interface on a weekly basis although it is not uncommon to submit on a nightly basis. 

As an ACO Participant, you will be required to passively notify beneficiaries that your practice participates in a Medicare Shared Savings Accountable Care Organization. This notification provided through the use of posters and flyers – in the office.  No other beneficiary consent/privacy notification requirements apply.

As a participant of CNY AIM, there is no cost to the practice for data analytics.  These costs are carried by Trinity Health, the Hospital, or the CIN/ACO.